The Itsy-Bitsy Spider

I recently found an awesome prompt on Reddit and I just had to give it a try!

The prompt was : Re-write ‘itsy-bitsy spider’ as a high action thriller drama.

While I don’t think my response was quite as high action thriller as they wanted, I still had a lot of fun writing this piece. Give it a read and feel free to comment with your own response!

The rain was heavy as hell; dark and stormy seemed to always set the scene on evenings like this. It wasn’t like he expected any other type of weather – this was Seattle after all. Still, just once he wished for the moon to break through the dense clouds and shine some light on this miserable city.

Ha, he thought to himself, as if this city could be anything but misery.

Still, he couldn’t help but long for dryer evenings and warmer days; especially right now. For right now he stood at the bottom of a long drain pipe – the likes of which, if he could conquer, would guarantee his freedom from the prison walls he had been banished to. In the distance he could hear the sirens; signaling, alarming each and every guard that he was indeed missing.

And so he began to climb.
One hand, then the other, then a foot; up and up he went; the rain slashing his face like razor blades; the wind rattling his skin and bones; the darkness consuming his vision.

Still, he had one thought as he rose : That Spider was a slippery one, he mused to himself, that’s what they’ll say. That Spider was an itsy-bitsy slippery one.

And he couldn’t help but chuckle at the thought; it was almost enough to make the climb less dreadful…almost. Still, with each sliding grip, he could see his freedom creeping closer; his future inching its way from daydreams to reality; his joy bubbling from a deep cavern within his very soul.

But suddenly, his heart plummeted to his stomach; for he could hear the shouts of angry watchmen; the ferocious barks of their four legged beasts; he could hear them getting closer – he could feel them closing in.

And in a panic, his grip was lost; down the storm drain he fell – a longer fall than he thought was possible, but still – he fell. And as he crashed to the ground, before all went black, the itsy-bitsy, slippery Spider swore he saw the moon; the bright, beaming moon burst through the clouds and shine brightly over the scene.

Perhaps, his final thoughts felt muddled, Perhaps the sun will shine tomorrow – and the itsy-bitsy, slippery Spider can try his luck again.


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