
I fell in love with Colombia
A country so unfamiliar to me
to my routine from day to day
A country with patience
and power beyond the norm
A country whose arms spin me
round in a dizzy whirl
A country whose laugh
still sends butterflies
soaring around my abdomen
A country whose fearlessness
terrifies me to the core
A strong country
to fail
to learn
to grow
to live

to live-not merely exist

Because life is more than just existing
We are born not of our own accord
We never chose to be here
No one chooses to be born
But we are and we are thrust
into a world that expects us to change
change the traditions
change the values
of the generations before us
to make an impact
to change something
something meaningful
something worthy
make a difference
And when we don’t
when we simply exist
existing is a waste
Colombia sweet Colombia
never let’s me forget to live
Always live


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